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Web Service Terminology

There are several approaches to implement the web service. The three most widely used is the Representational State Transfer (REST), XML-RPC, and SOAP. However, most enterprise applications using SOAP.

Originally SOAP is short for "Simple Object Access Protocol". But then by the W3C is removed so that it now stands is not SOAP stands for anything. Now understanding SOAP is a protocol for exchanging XML-formatted message.A web service client sends the request to the provider in the form of XML web service. Provider parses the request, run the service, and send the response back to the client as well in the form of XML. Both request and response are both using the SOAP protocol.

Web Service Description Language (WSDL) is an XML document that provides all the information necessary to determine the location and how to access the web service. Web service provider is responsible to make a WSDL. WSDL also describes the message, type, return value, and other details were owned web service.

Another concept in web service technology is a web service registry. After creating a web service, the provider may choose to publish WSDL documents in a registry. Registry may be owned by the web service provider organization or a third party. Clients who are interested in using the web service will find information about a web service registry directory to determine the location of a web service and get the WSDL. Furthermore, the client uses the WSDL document to make the request to the web service. Event publishing, searching, and retrieving is determined by the UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration) SOA

Differences web services and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is that SOA is a design / architecture while the system is a web service platform. SOA can be implemented using technologies such as JMS for messaging or remoting such as RMI, but the most popular is to use a web service.
Web service style

There are two main types of web service is RPC-oriented and document-oriented.
Web service development style

There are three ways to build a web service that is bottom-up, top-down, and a meet-in-the-middle. Bottom-up is the most popularly used.

Bottom-up used if the system we have first prepared and then a decision is made to build a web service from the existing system. So bottom-up done by creating a WSDL from java classes that already exist today.

Top-down is used when we want to create a web service completely from scratch. How this is done by creating the WSDL document first and then created an interface and class-classnya.
Both methods usually have no generator. Suppose we can generate the WSDL document from java class and vice versa.

The third way the meet-in-the-middle, is done by creating the WSDL document and implementation classes simultaneously. The way is hard to do because we have to maintain synchronization between the two.

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