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Quick way to access Facebook every time Facebook Sidebar Addon

Facebook is the first place visited by 7 out of 10 internet users, even 6 out of 10 internet users spend half their time online to surf or play facebook applications on social networking sites the world number one.
Access Facebook using the Facebook Sidebar Addon
A wide range of activities to do in Facebook started chatting, socializing with new friends, form communities, play games to business, no doubt if the majority of people then open up every so many minutes just to see the new status or update your account status.
However Facebook is not the only site that can be enjoyed both as a stress reliever or other purposes, nah clash is then a Firefox addon idea for developers to create a tool to avoid a clash of interests, especially who can not escape from Facebook.
If you belong to one of the many users who can not leave Facebook, it is worth considering the Firefox addon called Facebook Sidebar where with this addon you can still see the progress on Facebook as well as visit other sites without opening tab plus baru.Add on Facebook Sidebar will display special page on every page of the site that you visit, so that every time when you visit FastnCheap for example, you can still connect to Facebook without opening a new tab. Check out how to install it and how to use this addon later.
Facebook Sidebar to access Facebook quickly and easily
  • Let the download is complete.
Downoad facebook sidebar addon for Firefox
  • Click the Install Now to begin the installation process.
Install Addon Firefox to access facebook using the Sidebar
  • After the installation process is complete you will be prompted to restart Firefox, click the Restart Now and then the browser will stop operating, wait a while until the application is Firefox back running.
Install Firefox Addon Sidebar to access Facebook is Fast and Easy
  • Once the application is Firefox back to normal, now at the bottom left suduh your browser looks a Facebook icon there, click to activate the Facebook Sidebar. Please visit your favorite pages as usual.
Example of a Facebook button Sidebar
  • Here's what the Facebook Sidebar when I visit blogs FastnCheap, at the same time I can still access your Facebook account even though the display is not 100% the same as the full browser display a Facebook page but the addon is enough to provide flexibility.
Examples of the use of Firefox to access facebook in sidebar
  • You can also access any other page on your Facebook account via Facebook Sidebar addon.
Facebook in Firefox SidebarBy using Facebook Sidebar addon is, you do not have to worry about missing the latest status while you enjoy other sites or accessing your email. In addition to more effectively use this addon can eliminate stigma Facebook is seen as reducing productivity.

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