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SEO (Search Engine Opimization)

SEO (Search Engine Opimization) in the sense of Indonesian rule of thumb is a science which studies the ways that a website or blog content or specific content or specific themes can be tracked or indexed as much as possible in the search engines or search engines like google search, yahoo search , msn search, on the world wide web or internet

Search engine or Search Engines adalaah like a yellow pages or newspaper or magazine where looking for a news or advertisements, I outlined basic manner so of course the goal is always to remind especially the newbies that all steps or processes in doing SEO is just as well as the application of the conventional media earlier, it could play, of the registration process, the quality of content, can also commercial factors or money., and such like media such as newspapers before any search engines or search engines have policies and rules vary in each content set in the incoming or term language search engine programs are Algoritm (algorithm), and can always change, of course, at the discretion of the owner

Opimization Indonesia in the sense that it is the maximum or maximization, and this is the forerunner of the SEO process started, developed, and perfected. All the techniques, knowledge, experience muster in order to conquer and making out with each search engine, so that every actor SEO content can seunggul sedepan may be on the page and as number one in the search engines may be especially well-known such as google, yahoo, and msn.

The beginning of its first SEO is just something done by people who are quite adept and master the intricacies of programming and server issues such as the webmasters or bloggers who are experienced and proficient in that field, such as mastery of PHP scripts, HTML, CSS, and more and mastery jalurjalur around the web and servers such as domain, url, and other databases. But now along with the evolution of technology development all things related to SEO has become more easy and convenient to understand and can be done by anyone, the more easy it is to get the tutorial to learn also the increasing number of tools that simplify all the work-SEO and related matters such as RSS or facilities link building and search engine submisions.

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